
Beautiful Botanicals has a service for any home or office.  From garden renovations to creations, seasonal maintenance or just a garden clean up, we have something for everyone. The goal is to give you the garden you've always wanted without ever leaving your budget.


Garden Maintenance

  • Garden Clean-up
  • Edge and Mulch
  • Pesticide-free Weed Management
  • Pruning for new and established plants as necessary,
  • Deadheading of perennials, bulbs and shrubs,
  • Watering plants per client request. 


  • Annual plantings
  • Pots and planters
  • Additions
  • Dividing of plants
  • Transplanting
  • Perennials
  • Shrubs
  • Small trees

Renovations, Stonework & More

  • Garden Renovation
  • Plant removal
  • Plant repositioning
  • Rock/ stone border
  • Rock/ stone pathways
  • Garden art in many forms and mediums